With an Absa credit card, you get much more than just financial freedom; you are in control. You also have access to Card Send which lets you send funds directly to other Visa cardholders and to Buy Now Pay Later, which lets you choose flexible repayment terms on your credit card purchases.
- Get a credit card limit of up to K130,000
- Free credit life insurance for death and permanent disability
- Interest-free period of up to 50 days (if 100% balance paid by due date, excluding cash transactions)
- Minimum monthly repayment is 5% of outstanding balance
- Up to 9 supplementary cards
Use your credit card on Absa Internet/Mobile Banking to:
- Pause your card temporarily
- Block your card and get a new one
- Unfreeze a frozen card
- Change or reset your credit card PIN
- Annual fee: K200
- Late-payment charge: 10% of minimum amount due
- Interest rate: 3.5% per month
- Cash advance fee: 5%
- Forex mark-up fee: 4%

Make money moves with Absa Card Send
Transfer funds from your Absa Debit or Credit Card to other Visa cards. It’s quick, simple to do and secure, plus you can do it directly from your Absa Mobile Banking App.
Introducing Buy Now Pay Later
This is a feature on Absa Credit Cards that allows you to make purchases using any of our credit cards and convert the transaction to an easy instalment plan of up to 12 months at reduced interest rates.
This is how it works:
- Visit your favourite store and make a purchase on POS or buy something online (electronics, furniture, travel, school, pay for medical)
- Swipe your credit card to pay for the item/service
- Log into mobile or internet banking and select transaction you want to pay on instalment plan
- Choose 3, 6, 9 or 12-month plan to pay your bill

Need more help?
Call us on:
+260 (211) 366100 (available Monday to Friday from 08:00-16:45)
5950 (Toll free on Airtel and MTN only)
Email us: